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Are hair transplants a risk for people under 30?

Hair Loss

If you are losing your hair before you expect, you are advised by one of the leading UK doctors to avoid hair transplant surgery.

Newsbeat, a flagship radio programming service of the BBC, warns against hair transplants for young men who have recently started losing their hair. Male pattern baldness, the most common type of male hair loss, is known to affect about 30% of men by the time they turn 30.

According to Dr. Bessam Farjo, one of the top-rated hair transplant surgeons in the country, young men who are experiencing a thinning of hair at the crown should first consider non-surgical procedures, such as oral hair loss treatment, before giving surgery a thought.

It can be mistake on the part of young men to follow celebrities like Wayne Rooney, who has recently undergone a hair transplant surgery, much to the enthusiasm of the media and the public. Surgery at an early stage of life may still leave a man bald, in which case it becomes difficult to regrow hair, explains Dr. Farjo.

The main problem with a surgical procedure at a young age is that should anything go wrong, it may not leave enough hair to reverse the balding process, warns the renowned surgeon, advising young men to first ensure they retain whatever hair they have. Propecia (finasteride) is currently the most popular prescription-based male pattern hair loss treatment that is known to help reverse the signs of baldness.


Source: Hair-Wise



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