If you are like me, you probably don’t consider yourself to be the best-looking individual on the planet. Sure, I might be average, but I have a lot of insecurities that make me feel less than I am worth. Now, imagine my embarrassment and chagrin when I started to lose my hair long before it was supposed to fall out. I was distraught. This is when I immediately did what most people would do. I hit the Internet and started looking for answers. Where else would I go to get information in the age of digital technology? Not much to my surprise, I found several hair loss products online that were promising the promotion of hair growth.
I was excited about was Hair La Vie. The only problem was that after seeing a lack of customer reviews, I was a bit hesitant. The Hair La Vie reviews I could find for looked like they were mixed. Some individuals were happy with the results, while others were saying that it was a flat out hair loss scam. I am not like most individuals and going to write something off just because people are saying negative things. However, I do like to be a more informed shopper. And, this is precisely why I immediately started researching the Hair La Vie ingredients as well as the known side effects. I couldn’t find much information and what information I did find was mixed I am going to take the time to reveal what I discovered in this Hair La Vie Review.
What Is Hair La Vie?
Unlike other hair regrowth supplements and shampoos on the market, this is one that contains only natural ingredients. This is one of the things that the Hair La Vie are incredibly proud of. I know there isn’t much information out there about the Hair La Vie. They have however been clear about one thing. They have made sure to let their customers know that their products only contain natural ingredients. This pretty means that Hair La Vie is supposed to be 100 percent chemical free.
Hair La Vie is supposed to promote natural hair growth naturally. All that said, Hair La Vie comes available in a variety of formulas. It can be purchased in a clinical vitamin formula, a revitalizing formula, a shampoo formula, and even a conditioner formula. There are many other products available, as well. If you check out the official site for the Hair La Vie, you will see that these four are easily the top-selling. Another good thing about this is that there is simply no shortage of places to purchase it.
Once again, there might not be that much information out there about Hair La Vie, but there is no shortage of vendors offering it. When I am shopping online, I always make it a specific point to only do so with reputable vendors. And, this is why I went directly to the source. I purchased a bottle of the Hair La Vie Revitalizing Essential Vitamins from the official site. With the price of $60, I was hesitant to buy Hair La Vie since that is a lot of money for me. The ingredients and proprietary blend piqued my interest too much, though. Also, the fact that they have a refund guarantee gave me some confidence.

The revitalizing vitamins, the shampoo, and the conditioner are, without a doubt the most popular, but there are tons of others available. When it comes to the topical products like the shampoo and conditioner, the ingredients are a bit tougher to analyze, and this is why I opted to go with the revitalizing vitamins. And, one of the reasons for this was because the ingredient list was so transparent.
To start, you need to know that this contains a variety of clinically proven ingredients. In addition to this, many of these are more than known for their hair benefits. Just take a look at the EvnolMax. This is the trademark ingredient in the formula Vitamin E and is without a doubt known as one of the most natural and powerful elements on the planet for your hair. And, this is just the start. Hair La Vie also contains hydrolyzed collagen, which is known to strengthen the hair and smooth the skin.
The zinc contained within Hair La Vie is explicitly used to decreased hair shedding, while the USPlus Saw Palmetto is used to reduce the overall loss of hair. The entire formula contains many herbs and extracts that are also known for thickening as well as boosting hair growth. Sure, the ingredients with the vitamins and minerals look great, but topical products are a different story. This has a lot to do with the fact that most of the active and inactive substances are all stuffed together in one big long list. As you can see, this is not the case at all with the vitamin formula.
Before I delve into my personal experience with the substance, I would like to take the time to tell you some of the potential benefits of Hair La Vie. Now, keep in mind that not everyone will garner these results. And, some individuals might achieve these results at higher levels than others. Whatever the situation is, you have to remember that everyone’s genetic makeup is different and people respond or react to things differently.
All that aside, here are some of the potential positive of Hair La Vie. It might improve the rate at which your hair grows, it might strengthen as well as repair the hair follicles, it doesn’t contain any unnatural or synthetic ingredients, and it contains an ideal dosage of the main active hair loss ingredients.
As you can see, there are plenty of potential positives for Hair La Vie. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that there isn’t any potential for downsides either. Hair La Vie is no different than any other product out there being that it does come along with some potential negatives. The first and probably one of the most significant downsides is that the formula doesn’t contain enough clinically patented ingredients. What does this mean? It means that there is no clinical proof showing that this can promote hair growth, strengthen the hair follicles, or prevent hair loss. This is not to say that the Hair La Vie doesn’t contain any patented products because it certainly does provide a plethora of vitamins and minerals. These have been proven effective time and time again when it comes to hair regrowth and strengthening.
Many would state that Hair La Vie is missing at least eight key ingredients that can be found in other effective hair growth products. Two important ones that the substance is missing for sure are L-Cysteine and Ginko Biloba. Both of these ingredients are clinically known to promote hair growth. The fact alone that Hair La Vie is missing these two substances is enough to call its legality into question. Despite this fact, I was still determined to try it for my hair because it just seemed like it was going to provide positive results.
Now, I did not try the shampoo or conditioner, but I can tell you from my research that there are some potential negatives with it as well. First, some customers are claiming that the shampoo doesn’t foam very well, making it hard unpleasant to use. And, it doesn’t seem that others are having much better luck with the conditioner. It appears that the conditioner is extremely thick, which makes it hard to apply. When you combine this with the fact, many customers say neither is capable of hydrating hair properly. It will be more than easy to understand why most people are straying away from these products.
On a positive note, it should at least be mentioned that the topical products don’t contain any fragrance. You might have to deal with a thick substance, but at least you don’t have to worry about walking around, followed by a funny smell all day long.
How To Use It
When it comes to hair loss products, most people don’t consider the application process. I guess most people assume that they will either be applying the substance with their regular hair care routine. However, this is not always the case, and you can see that. Many of today’s hair growth products come available in capsule formula, which is what I opted for in this very situation. I not only chose the pills because the active ingredients were simpler to get my head around, but because they wouldn’t interfere too much with my already busy life.
Taking the pills means consuming two pills a day. I take one in the morning with my breakfast and 1 in the evening with my late dinner. However, if you opt for the non-revitalizing formula, you will be required to take three pills a day (Two in the morning and 1 in the evening). It should also be noted that the pills can be taken together if you choose to do so. Maybe you don’t have the time or have a hectic schedule.
Whatever the situation is, you can consume all three or two pills early in the morning. Shampoo and conditioner applications might be easier and more convenient for some individuals, as they just required you to use them during every wash. However, it should be noted that both the shampoo and conditioner must be thoroughly shaken before application. If not the substance will come out thicker. This could be why some customers have complained about the texture and volume of the topical shampoos. Maybe they didn’t shake well enough before application.
All in all, the application of either of these Hair La Vie products are relatively simple. The recommended instruction will be listed right on the side of the bottle, and it will clearly explain the use and precautions that need to be taken before use. Most people seem to get results at about the 3 months mark and anything less than 3 months is probably too early.
My Results
Unfortunately, I cannot say that I had a lot of success with Hair La Vie. I wish this wasn’t the case because I really like the simplicity of the Hair La Vie and how it didn’t disrupt my life too much. It just merely required me to ingest a few pills each morning and evening, which was relatively easy enough to remember. Maybe this had something to do with my genetic makeup. Perhaps it had something to do with my previous hair experiences.
The first thing that you need to know is that I have always had problems with my hair. That is why I have been self-conscious about it. I started showing signs of thinning hair at an early age, and my hair has always been slow to grow. One time I tried to grow it out, and it just didn’t work out. My hair was thin, with fragile ends and not enough volume. And, this is not to even mention the fact that it was breaking even faster than it was before. This was one of the main reasons that I opted for Hair La Vie. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the results that I was looking for.
All that being said, my lack of result could have had something to do with the fact that I only used the Hair La Vie for a month. The Hair La Vie revitalizing pills only came available in a month’s supply, and this is why I only took a month’s worth. Had I continued taking it, I might have garnered better results. On a positive note, I didn’t experience any adverse side effects when consuming the Hair La Vie, which is always positive.
Side Effects
Since Hair La Vie consists of natural ingredients, you will most likely not experience any side effects. However, there is not enough evidence available for Hair La Vie to guarantee that it is 100 per cent safe. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in these vitamins, you will experience side effects. For example, people who are allergic to biotin may experience an allergic reaction, which will cause swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, or face and hives. The common side effects of biotin include mild skin rash and upset stomach.
Each serving of Hair La Vie contains 165 milligrams of copper. While copper is required for the body to produce healthy red blood cells, consuming more than the recommended two-milligram dose per day could lead to toxicity. Copper toxicity symptoms include vomiting, nausea, muscle aches and pain, and abdominal cramps.
Each serving of Hair La Vie contains 15 milligrams of zinc. Small amounts of zinc can help keep the immune system healthy. But, when taken in high doses, zinc can cause gastrointestinal side effects. These side effects include abdominal cramps, headaches, indigestion, diarrhea, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn.
The side effects of flaxseed oil include diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, bloating, breathing problems, nasal congestion, and anal leakage. People who are allergic to flaxseed may experience muscle weakness and shortness of breath, which will require emergency treatment.
Each serving of Hair La Vie contains 18 milligrams of iron. Iron is essential for building healthy blood cells, but when taken in excess, it can lead to fluid buildup in the lungs, vomiting of blood, and liver damage. The side effects of iron include constipation, heartburn, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and dark stools.
Each serving of Hair La Vie contains 200 micrograms of selenium. When combined with other ingredients, selenium can promote healthy hair growth. However, it can cause hair loss in some people. Other side effects of selenium include nausea, weight loss, vomiting, fatigue, irritability, skin rash, brittle nails, muscle tenderness, and tremors.
Horsetail extract should be taken in conjunction with calcium. Research reveals that taking these two ingredients may lead to osteoporosis (weak bones). Postmenopausal women should not take calcium and horsetail extract simultaneously because they are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis.
The bamboo stem should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Research reveals that taking bamboo during pregnancy will increase the risk of abortion and decrease the survival rates of pregnant rabbits. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take Hair La Vie. Prolonged use of bamboo is also not recommended in people with thyroid disorders.
Hair La Vie Reviews
Hair La Vie isn’t sold on Amazon currently, which is what I usually check first when looking for customer reviews on hair supplements or shampoos. It’s good because you can take a glance at the percentage of people who have given it either a 5 or 1 star review.
There is a mixture of positive and negative reviews for Hair La Vie. I would suggest reading these reviews in-depth before investing. It is important to note that my and all of the other customer reviews are subjective.
Just because it didn’t work for me, does not mean it will not work for you. I chose to purchase the revitalizing vitamins, which I did not find effective. And, I’m not willing to invest any more money in this brand. With that said, you may find the shampoo and conditioner or clinical formula vitamins more suitable for your needs.
I did find this one video on Youtube from Indya Ajai. She mentioned that she stopped taking Hair La Via Hair Supplements because she was getting migraines from the Biotin in the supplements. She said when she stopped taking them, her migraines got better and when she re-started taking them, the migraines once again appeared. I have never experienced any side effects from Biotin hair supplements despite what many of the reviews say. Remember, you are more likely to hear about the nasty stuff in reviews vs the usual things like not experiencing side effects.
In this video from Fernanyi Montero, she mentioned that the pills were pretty big, which can sometimes from my experience make it hard to swallow. She said she wished that the Hair La Vie Supplement pills were a little bit smaller.
She stopped taking Hair La Vie and mentioned that there were no withdrawal symptoms like hair shedding or thinning, which can sometimes happen with hair loss companies that want you to buy their product every single month.
Hair La Vie is with a doubt NOT a scam and does work for people suffering from hair loss. The ingredients are legitimate. Their Clinical Formula Hair Vitamins, however, are just too expensive for me. If I could afford it, I would probably use it every month. For now, I am going to use other hair supplements that include many of the same ingredients at a much lower price. Folexin is one that is giving me great results for my hair loss right now. It is also a Biotin Hair Growth Supplement and has money back guarantee just like Hair La Vie.